Dear Parent / Carer,

As you will no doubt be aware, following the Secretary of State’s announcement today, schools in England will close for all students from Monday but should remain open to children of key workers and vulnerable students – further details will follow from the DfE and we will communicate with you as soon as we have clearer details.

For the rest of this week, we will continue to be open for Years 7 and 8, and have set work online for all other years.

The unexpected announcement was that public exams are being cancelled with no clarity as to how these will be managed. The Secretary of State for Education said pupils in England would not have to sit GCSE or A Levels this year. This will, no doubt be concerning for parents and students alike and have a significant impact on Year 11 and 13 who have been working hard for their exams. Once we have clarity on this, we will let you know.

As a quick reminder, Show My Homework remains the main access point for students. Teachers will set work in accordance with your child’s timetable. Finally; we will send further guidance out in due course, but for now we ask for patience as we work our way through this and ask that you follow Government advice with regards to Social Distancing, Self-Isolation and sensible shopping!

Yours sincerely

Dr Ingate


For parents/carers of Y11 and Y13 students: