Dear Parents / Carers / Students

Another day of lock-down – I can’t believe it has only been a 10-days since such drastic measures were introduced in an attempt to curb the spread of Covid-19.  Abnormality has become normality as we all adjust to these strange times.  Having been in school yesterday, I have worked at home today whilst Mr Gilbank and a small team of dedicated staff looked after those children who need to come into school.  Hopefully like most of you, it is amazing what you can complete with a laptop or tablet at your fingers.  It is not the same, however, as seeing everyone face-to-face and the school seems a bit like a ghost ship at the moment.  

I enjoyed watching The Steph Show at lunchtime today featuring our very own Mr Stephens and Mr Newman along with their back-up team producing over 100 visors a day for the NHS.  If you have not seen it, it’s worth getting on catch-up (Channel 4).    I have also signed up as a NHS Volunteer and have been signed up to drive medical essentials in one of our Birchwood Minibuses.  I think that if we all do our bit – however small – it will help us overcome this health epidemic more quickly.

I have also heard from 2 of our alumni – qualified GPs working on the front line in London’s hospitals – re-directed from their usual roles to prioritise those being admitted with suspected corona-virus.  They are coping but it will rely on the rates of infection increasing arithmetically and not exponentially – which depends on us – socially isolating, self-isolating where necessary, and keeping our journeys to a minimum. Personally, I have not been to Tesco for 3 days and have managed to find a few quiet country lanes to  walk along and get some fresh air. 

I hope you and your families are all coping the best you can. Tomorrow, Mrs Jacobson will write a piece focussing on homework – what we have learnt so far, how we are adapting and responding to the feedback. 


Dr Chris Ingate
