Dear Parents/ Carers / Students

I hope you are well and coping!  The longer this lock-down persists, two things seem to be ‘trending’.  Firstly, and positively, the NHS seem to not only have coped but managed the challenge of Covid-19 well.  The key worker children we have in school at the moment are mostly the sons and daughters of nurses, paramedics and doctors.   They say that their parents are tired but, in their eyes, the worst seems to be over for the time-being.   Secondly, more and more of us seem to be suffering from ‘cabin-fever’ – a desperate need to reconnect with friends and families and get back to some sense of normality.  This is, of course, a very natural thing as human beings are naturally social animals.

We are all aware that there will be a formal review of lockdown on Thursday and an announcement of measures to get the economy re-started on Sunday.  Within these measures will be some clarification about opening schools again.  It is difficult to speculate what this might look like but I must admit to some concerns about keeping over 1000 children at least 2m apart.  By next week, I should be clearer on what the DfE are stipulating and how this affects Birchwood.

With setting work to do at home, we have ensured that every class is being set work to do.  We can see which students are working hard and completing work.  Heads of Year and tutors are contacting students who have not had high completion rates – sometimes this is due to IT access issues – if you have any problems, please email and let us know if we can help you. We recognise that marking and assessing student work is more challenging than when we are all in school.  We have not seen our students for 4 school weeks, excluding Easter.  We have asked all our teachers to have made sure that they have sent feedback to students over the this week and next.  You can contact your teacher directly as well through Show My Homework or through the Contact-Us section  of the Website.

Staff continue to work on providing accurate and reliable GCSE / A-Level and BTEC grades. This is part of a long process including exam board and DfE moderation. It may seem a long time until 13th August (Year 13) and 20th August (Year 11) but rest-assured, this process will be done professionally and best reflect each students’ attainment in each subject.   We are continuing to phone each and every Year 11 and 13 student and have been able to offer support and guidance as required.  It was pleasing to note that virtually every Year 11 student applying for A-Levels has decided to stay at Birchwood and not travel further afield which is understandable in the current climate.  A-Level packs will go live this week to help any Year 11 student with taster lessons for their Sixth Form subjects.

Finally, Mr Connor wanted me to let you know that the Year 8 options process was continuing well and that the vast majority will be studying their subjects of choice next year.  I also met with staff today to look at how best to induct 240 Year 7 students for September.  We may have to resort to a two-day induction in September rather than the usual July day.  We shall have to wait and see the lie of the land.

Best regards and keep safe.

Dr Ingate
