Tenner Challenge

Tenner Challenge

Year 9 Business students took part in the Tenner Challenge workshop. The aim of the Challenge is to make as much profit from the initial £10 investment using a business idea of their choice.

Jo O’Rilley, the event organiser said, a big thank you to all who contributed to a great morning with sixty Year 9 students The Brazier Trust for funding, to Gladys and Dave for giving up their time to volunteer, and Mrs Dervish for co-ordinating, also to the other teachers who helped!

We covered a lot of team challenges, skills needed in the workplace and the launch of the Tenner Challenge. I look forward to hearing what the teams do this year and how much money they raise. Any profit they make the students are able to keep for themselves.

Mrs Dervish, Business


Primary Links

Primary links with Birchwood

Year 6 students, from nine local primary schools, have been attending Birchwood to help stretch and challenge their maths skills. To conclude their time at Birchwood they showcased their work by building a truncated icosahedron decorated with all the maths they had learnt.
The winning teams were Northgate for decoration, St Michaels and All Saints for structure.

Mrs Cox, Maths


Maths Back to School

Back to School for Year 7 and 8 Parents

Birchwood’s Maths department held another ‘Back to School’ evening for Year 7 and 8 parents. Twenty two brave parents came along and took part in a carousel of Maths lessons ranging from Nth term to Pythagoras’ Theorem to Chinese Grid Multiplication. After an hour and a half, they left with minds bursting with useful mathematical knowledge and tummies full of tea, sandwiches and cakes.
Feedback was fantastic and we look forward to running the event again next year. Thank you to my Maths colleagues for making the evening possible and to Mr Kadlec and his catering team for providing the delicious refreshments.

Miss White, Maths.


Art Easter Workshop

Learn how to make:

  • A paper Easter wreath
  • Bunny or carrot boxes for your Easter treats

Thursday 28 March 2019, 3:30pm - 5:00pm C23

There will be a £1 charge to cover the cost of materials.
We are limited to 30 spaces - first come first served!
Sign up today on the sheet outside C23.


Dance Festival Alban Arena

County Dance Festival

Ten of our outstanding Dance students took part in the Hertfordshire County Dance Festival at the Alban arena on Wednesday. The festival was a celebration of Dance happening in and around Hertfordshire and the Birchwood Dance department were so proud to be a part of this.
The theme this year was ‘Art in Action’. Our dancers took this idea and created a dance piece based on the hustle and bustle of an Art gallery. They used various artists, sculptures and a fusion of styles for inspiration. The students put so much time and energy into creating such a wonderful and creative final piece.
The day of the festival was an excellent experience for students and they really showed Birchwood in a magnificent light. Not only did they perform a stunning performance during three shows, but demonstrated professionalism, determination and exceptional support towards other schools.
Well done to our students involved.
Miss Adams, Dance


Love is in the air!

The lovely Mrs Devoti, from the cafe, is making some yummy Valentine themed cupcakes for today.

February is LGBT History month

February is LGBT History month – an annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. In light of which, Birchwood will be running various events to celebrate the occasion. We have started the month by showing the film The Imitation Game starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightly. The film is about the work of the legendary Alan Turing and his team as they work to break Enigma – a Nazi code believed to be unbreakable.

Added to this, Fusion – Birchwood’s Equalities group – will be running a cake sale. There will be whole school assemblies throughout the week commencing Monday 11 February, focusing on significant events and figures in the gay rights movement. Finally, Wednesday 27 February will see a celebration in the main hall with various activities for students to get involved in.

Students of the month

Students of the Month for January 2019

These children have won Student of the month for January. Every month each faculty nominates one student from the whole school community for their subject. To receive a nomination the students must have excelled in one of the categories of Birchwood’s ABC ethos. These are listed below:

· I have excellent attendance, punctuality, equipment & uniform
· I work to the best of my ability
· I play a full part in the life of the school

· I look after my school community
· I follow instructions promptly
· I treat others as I would like to be treated myself

· I am determined to make a success of my time at Birchwood
· I understand that learning from failures leads to success
· I make the right choices, even when this isn’t easy

Maths Back to School

Maths Back to School Evening

Are you confused by your child’s Maths Homework?
If so, why not come along to .....
Birchwood’s ‘Maths Back to School Evening’

Please see attached poster for details.

Imitation Game

Fusion are showing The Imitation Game to celebrate LGBT History month

Tickets are now available for The Imitation Game.
The film is being shown as part of LGBT history month celebrations.
All proceeds will be donated to Stonewall and Birchwood's Fusion group.
Please see attached poster for further details.