LGBT+ History month

February is LGBT+ History month in the UK - an annual month-long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. In 2005, educators and activists Sue Sanders and Paul Patrick organised LGBT+ History Month as part of a Schools Out UK project, a programme that aims to educate young people about the issues members of the LGBT+ community face and to make schools feel inclusive for everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

The event was first held in February to coincide with the abolition of Section 28, a hugely controversial piece of Conservative government legislation which banned local authorities and schools from “promoting” homosexuality. After widespread opposition and condemnation, Section 28 was abolished in 2003. Alas, due to the ongoing pandemic, we will not be able to celebrate the month in the usual way at school. However, we will hopefully be able to run various events later in the year to ensure that acceptance without exception remains a central part of our school community.

Please also check out Fusion groups Twitter page - @fusion_bwood - to read up on profiles of famous LGBT+ figures - past and present -  as well as information, talks and resources on all things LGBT+.

February is LGBT History month

February is LGBT History month – an annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. In light of which, Birchwood will be running various events to celebrate the occasion. We have started the month by showing the film The Imitation Game starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightly. The film is about the work of the legendary Alan Turing and his team as they work to break Enigma – a Nazi code believed to be unbreakable.

Added to this, Fusion – Birchwood’s Equalities group – will be running a cake sale. There will be whole school assemblies throughout the week commencing Monday 11 February, focusing on significant events and figures in the gay rights movement. Finally, Wednesday 27 February will see a celebration in the main hall with various activities for students to get involved in.

Imitation Game

Fusion are showing The Imitation Game to celebrate LGBT History month

Tickets are now available for The Imitation Game.
The film is being shown as part of LGBT history month celebrations.
All proceeds will be donated to Stonewall and Birchwood's Fusion group.
Please see attached poster for further details.

Stonewall Bronze Champions

Since December 2016, Birchwood High School has been a Stonewall School Champion. Stonewall is Britain’s leading LGBT+ charity, campaigning for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. Belonging to the programme demonstrates our school’s commitment to tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying and celebrating difference and diversity in education. This has seen Birchwood staff and students start an equality group, present assemblies to raise awareness, build links with other schools in our community and work to ensure that acceptance without exception is a central part of school life. Last week was the culmination of a lot of hard work when Birchwood received the news that we had been granted the Stonewall School Champion Bronze award. As a nationally recognised award, we can all be very proud of what has been achieved to date, working and learning in a school where difference and diversity is respected and celebrated. The work now begins towards gaining Silver status in the new year.

Fusion irit

Stonewall school role model

Stonewall school role model Rabbi Irit Shillor from the Reform Community Harlow recently visited us.

Thank you Irit for answering our questions, hopefully we can arrange a visit to the synagogue.

Stonewall Young Campaigner

Out of over a hundred applicants Jonathan Cowen (12ZBL) has been offered a place as a Stonewall Young Campaigner by Stonewall. This platform will enable Jonathan to change perceptions and encourage diversity as well as increasing his knowledge and confidence on all LGBT+ matters. Jonathan will be required to attend a residential programme which will include workshops on how to be an effective campaigner. Jonathan is excited about this opportunity to work with Stonewall and represent Birchwood High School.
We are all extremely proud of Jonathan!
Mrs Manners & FUSION