Gardening Club wins third prize

As it reaches the end of this year’s very successful growing season the students entered some of their wonderful produce into the local Sawbridgeworth Garden and Allotment Show, which takes place every year (the first Saturday in September). They came third in their section for their Rainbow Chard. We are currently looking for some new glass for our greenhouse so we can continue with projects over the winter months including making some bug and bird houses.

Mrs Homer

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day is a UK wide celebration of poetry, and the theme this year was Choice. To celebrate National Poetry Day form tutors read a poem to their tutees during form time. All staff were invited to choose their favourite poem and students were asked to guess which member of staff had submitted each verse. Congratulations to 7CHT and 11MAS who both guessed correctly. Both forms have been awarded House points.
Mrs Gibson,
Library Resource Manager

The Big PSFA Summer Raffle

Win up to £5,000.

£3 tickets enters you in all 12 draws.

Good Luck.

Year 12 Biology

As a part of their practical work, Year 12 biology students were investigating the effectiveness of different antibiotics on bacterial culture Microccus Luteum. This is a common bacterium that can be found on or hands and surfaces. The students mastered common aceptic techniques that are widely used in a microbiology lab.

Artist Darcy Turner runs a workshop for Year 10

On Wednesday 23 June, Year 10 art students enjoyed an amazing new sculpture experience. The artist and inventor Darcy Turner delivered a whole day workshop exploring his Stixx machine sculpture techniques. The students had to respond to their current coursework theme of Layers and produce a 3D sculpture.

Virtual Young Musician Competition 2021

Mr Grogan and Mr Stock would like to congratulate the following students for taking part in our Virtual Young Musician Competition 2021. The overall winners were Emily Robson and
Jorja O’Grady, with runners up Isabelle Ramsay (Voice) and Jessica Newton (Piano). The standard of musicianship was outstanding, and they had a really difficult time deciding on winners. The winners and runners up will be performing in our Summer Prom Concert on Friday 9 July on the Piazza.


Junior Maths Challenge

Many of our students volunteered to take part in the annual Junior Maths Challenge. This was an online, timed challenge with some very difficult problems. Our students performed extremely well, and I would like to give a special mention to the students pictured as they achieved certificates for their particularly high scores. Thank you and well done to all that took part.
Miss Bull, Maths

Colour Container Workshop

Thursday 10 June and Friday 11 June, 7.00pm to 8.00 pm.
The PSFA will be running a Colour Container Workshop in partnership with Well Bean Gardening.
Tickets are £15 each.

Email: for booking and more information.

National Careers Week 2021

NCW2021 goes live 1 - 6 March
• Sign up to the Virtual Careers Fair that will be running all week.
• Check out the National Careers Week TV.
• Look out for the 'Skill of the Day' posted on Teams each morning!
• Read about some ex-Birchwood students and what they are up to now.

Art tiger

The art being produced during lockdown has been amazing!

Keep drawing, dancing, painting, performing and singing. Remember all expressive and performing arts is good for your health and wellbeing.