Dear Parent/ Carer/ Student

I hope you and your family are well and coping with the dramatic changes we have seen to our way of living over the last couple of weeks.   Today, we opened our doors to a small number of key worker and vulnerable children.  For example, by doing this we have enabled  12 NHS employees to go into work and help those made ill by Covid-19.

At school, we are doing everything to ensure that the school is kept clean and hygienic on a daily basis but I would like to thank parents who have heeded the government’s advice and have kept their child at home, as this is the best way to minimise social contact and stay away from viral infection.

Please remember that your child should be working on-line between 9 and 3pm.  There is plenty for them to do on the Show My Homework app.

If  your child does go out, please remind them to keep to the 2m distance rule and particularly to not socialise with friends in groups. They can use social media to keep in touch.  Please remind them to wash their hands when they return home and to not snack on food until they have done this.  Whilst the under-20s have a very low chance of serious illness, they could bring corona virus into your family home and infect older or more vulnerable individuals.


Yours sincerely

Dr Chris Ingate
