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Faculty Information

Birchwood High School’s curriculum is organised and resourced into 10 faculties. See below for more information on each of our facilities, its staff members and their contact details.

Please visit Our Curriculum page for details on the courses on offer to students across Key Stages 3,4 and 5.



Faculty Overview

English at Birchwood is a creative, illuminating subject delivered by teachers who aim to cultivate and nurture a life-long love of literature, writing and language in all students. Our curriculum is centred around the study of a diverse, rich and complex range of novels, short stories, poetry, drama and non-fiction texts from a range of genres, eras and cultures. We firmly believe in the validity of students’ personal responses; therefore, we teach our students not only to become assured, critical readers but also imaginative, compelling writers and orators. Students are challenged to enjoy and interrogate the perspectives of others, and supported to become confident in developing their own thoughtful and convincing arguments.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Mrs S Ackerman SAN Teacher of English
Miss Z Boittier ZBR Head of Faculty 
Miss A Braybrooke ABE Second in Faculty
Mrs A Burgess ABS Teacher of English
Ms M Cuddington MCN Teacher of English
Miss G Edwards GES Teacher of English
Mrs Kee Rose DKE Teacher of English
Mrs G Osborne GOE Teacher of English
Mr M Reilly MRY Teacher of English
Mr G Smith GSM Teacher of English


Faculty Overview

The Birchwood Mathematics Department is committed to fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of mathematics in all students. We aim to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that will empower students to apply mathematical concepts in real-world situations. Our goal is to inspire a love for the subject, build confidence, and prepare students for future academic and career opportunities, ensuring they are equipped with the tools to think logically, reason abstractly, and engage with complex challenges both in and beyond the classroom. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where every student can thrive and achieve their full potential in mathematics.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Dr K Allen KAN Teacher of Mathematics
Miss Z Bull ZBL Head of Faculty (Maternity Leave)
Mr C Hannant CHT Teacher of Mathematics
Mr D Harper DHR Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs K Jones KJS Teacher of Mathematics
Mr M Loney MLY Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs J Moore JME Tutor of Mathematics
Mrs D Parkyn DPN Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator
Miss C Perez CPZ Teacher of Mathematics
Mr D Summers DSS 2nd in Faculty/Key Stage 4 Co-ordinator
Miss S White SWE Teacher of Mathematics & Statistics


Faculty Overview

At Birchwood, we believe that our students should enjoy Science — finding it rewarding, gaining knowledge and understanding by investigating things for themselves and using their newly acquired scientific knowledge & skills to be able to question, analyse and challenge.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Mr M Briscoe MBE Head of Faculty
Mrs Z Birand ZBD Teacher of Science
Mr S Campaigne SCE Head of Physics
Mrs E Cramp ECP Teacher of Science
Mr C Cusumano CCO Teacher of Science
Mr R Edwards RES Teacher of Science/ Head of Year 7
Mr C Gilbank CGK Teacher of Science/PE
Mr J Hipwood JHD Head of Chemistry
Miss C LaLonge CLE Acting Head of KS3 Science
Mr R Loveday RLY Teacher of Science/ PSHCE Co-ordinator
Mrs C Pressland CPD Head of Biology
Dr E Rodionova ERA Teacher of Science

Expressive Performing Arts

Faculty Overview

At Birchwood High School, the Expressive Performing Arts Faculty (EPA) includes: Art, Dance, Drama and Music.

Birchwood Artists are creative, enthusiastic, and inspired by the world around them. They create ambitious and exciting outcomes.

Birchwood Dance & Drama Creatives speak, listen, collaborate and perform. They are brave. They are risk-takers. They are empathetic in equal measure.

Birchwood Musicians study music through listening and appraising, composing and performing, allowing all students to become confident, creative, multi-skilled and culturally enriched. We encourage a lifelong passion for music.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Miss S Adams SAS Head of Dance
Ms R Goddard RGD Teacher of Dance & Drama
Mr M Grogan MGN Head of Music
Mrs L Jackson LJN Teacher of Art
Miss A Lennox ALX Head of Drama
Miss D Morrison DMN Head of Faculty
Mrs F Morgan Wren FMN Teacher of Art
Miss J Parker JPR Teacher of Dance & Drama (Maternity Leave)
Mr W Stock WSK Teacher of Music


Faculty Overview

The Humanities Faculty is made up of three departments: Geography, History, and Religious Studies.

Geography at Birchwood seeks to understand the interconnectedness of humans and the environment and equips our students with the skills to tackle the world’s future problems.

“Those who fail to learn from History are condemned to repeat it”. Birchwood Historians understand the past, so they can better create their own futures.

Birchwood Religious Studies students understand religious and non-religious world views and how they impact on the lives of believers and non-believers. They challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions often portrayed in the media, and they are able to evaluate arguments in order to reach a justified conclusion.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Miss L Crossley LCY Teacher of Geography
Mrs S Feather Levey SFY Head of History
Mr D Hildrew DHW Teacher of Geography
Mrs E Hinski EHI Teacher of Geography
Mr E Jankovskis EJS Teacher of History
Miss T Kara TKA Teacher of Religious Studies
Mr M Sabur MSR Teacher of History
Ms T Mumford TMD Teacher of History
Mrs H Walsh HWH Head of Faculty

Modern Foreign Languages

Birchwood Linguists are enthusiastic communicators who are culturally aware and understand the importance of being a good global citizen. At Birchwood, students study French, German and Spanish.

Name Initials Role
Mr G Bowman GBN Second in Faculty & Teacher of French and German
Mrs E Bulman EBN Teacher of French and Spanish
Miss J Defay JDY Teacher of French and Spanish
Mrs C Holland CHD Teacher of French and Spanish
Mrs K Mangin-Griffiths KMS Teacher of French
Mrs B Jennings BMJ Teacher of French and Spanish
Miss K Roderick KRK Head of Faculty & Teacher of French and Spanish


Faculty Overview

The Birchwood PE faculty aims to provide a safe environment where students can enjoy developing their sporting character.

  • Empowering all to have a lifelong future of health, fitness and well-being
  • Enabling all to have the confidence to access sport and leisure opportunities
  • Engaging all in an appreciation and understanding of the importance of global sport in our culture
Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Mr A Barratt ABT Teacher of PE
Mr J Clift JCT Teacher of PE
Mr C Gilbank CGK Teacher of PE & Science
Mr R Herbert RHT Teacher of PE
Mr S Hill SHL Teacher of PE
Mr D Jones DJS Head of Faculty
Mr R Noblett RNT Teacher of PE
Miss C Peet CPT Teacher of PE
Miss L Perrett LPT Teacher of PE
Miss A Rolfe ARE Teacher of PE
Mr C Ruggins CRS Teacher of PE
Mrs C Sieczko CSO Teacher of PE
Mrs C Tooze CTE Teacher of PE
Mr I Torrance ITE Teacher of PE


PSHCE stands for Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education

At Birchwood High School, PSHCE focuses on three key areas: 

  • Relationships 

  • Health and Wellbeing 

  • Living in the Wider World 

The school provides relationships and sex education starting in Year 7, focusing initially on biological understanding, and progressing to emotional, social, and ethical aspects in later years. Parents can withdraw their children from any sex education content outside of the National Curriculum for Science by request. 

PSHCE lessons include interactive activities like role-play, debates, and discussions, with support from external agencies. Sensitive topics are taught using distancing techniques (e.g., discussing hypothetical scenarios) to ensure a safe environment for learning. 

The curriculum aims to support students' personal development while promoting a safe, respectful approach to discussing health, relationships, and social issues. 

For a list of our policies, please click the following link to the Policies Page.

Social Sciences

Faculty Overview

In Social Sciences subjects, students develop enquiring minds, the passion to enrich the communities of which they are a part and the skills to achieve beyond their expected progress, regardless of background.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Mrs A Collyer ACO Teacher of Business
Miss M Clements MCS Teacher of Sociology
Mrs N Dale NDE Teacher of Business
Mrs E Dervish EDH Head of Business
Mrs S Feather Levey SFY Teacher of History & Politics
Mrs J Jacobson JJN Teacher of English & Psychology
Mr S Levey SLE Head of Faculty
Mrs M Mcdonagh MMH Teacher of Psychology
Mrs H Walsh HWH Teacher of Religious Studies & Sociology


Faculty Overview

Technology at Birchwood High School is structured to include the subject areas of Design & Technology, Food, Computing, Film and Media allowing our students to link logical thinking with creativity to solve problems in our ever changing technological world

At KS3, technology is taught through a carousel system. The subjects taught include Food, Branding, Resistant Materials, Textiles and ICT.

Faculty Members
Name Initials Role
Ms M Adams MAS Teacher of Technology
Mr J Budd JBD Head of Media
Mr D Cocklin DCN Teacher of Media
Mr S Creed SCD Head of Computing
Mrs K Davies KDS Teacher of Technology
Mr A Kadlec AKC Teacher of Food Technology
Mrs J Law JLW Teacher of Technology
Mrs B McEwan-Smith BMN Teacher of Food Technology
Miss C Munro CMO Teacher of Technology
Ms N Montgomery NMY Teacher of Technology
Mr R Newman RNN KS4 Coordinator
Mr J Stephens JSS Head of Faculty