Letters, News and Social Media
Birchwood News - Half termly round up
BSET: Young People, Drugs and Decisions
This webinar was organised by pastoral leaders at Herts & Essex, Birchwood, Leventhorpe, St Mary’s, Avanti Grange and The Bishop’s Stortford High School. Each school was represented on the panel during the session. The world for young people is a very different place than it was for their parents, including in their vulnerability to risk from drugs and alcohol, with levels of exposure and access greater than ever before, partly thanks to social media.
This workshop provides a great opportunity for parents and caregivers to become more aware of the issues and what you can do to help your children stay safe.
Please note that this recording will expire before the end of the term.
Letters to Parents
Please find below a copy of all recent emails sent to parents. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact the Admin Office.