Why not follow us on Facebook?
We have a Facebook page where you can keep up to date with events and meetings. Please follow us at Birchwood Parents Staff and Friends Association (PSFA)
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Birchwood with easyfundraising? There are over 8,000 retailers on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis & Partners, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Go to and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Birchwood at no extra cost to you whatsoever! There are no catches or hidden charges and Birchwood will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.
Birchwood Bonus Ball
The lucky winner of the September bonus ball was Heather U, winning £177!
The Bonus Ball is a great way to support the school, and at the same time be in with a chance of winning some cash
every month! It is £3 per month per ball, payable either in one lump sum or monthly as a standing order. A draw takes
place at the end of each month and the winner receives half of the money collected, the other half going towards PSFA
Our bank details are:
Barclays Bank
Account Name: Birchwood PSFA
Account Number: 23298728
Sort Code: 20-25-19
Email if you would like to join in the fun.
Pre Loved Uniform
If you are replacing items of branded school uniform and the old items are still in good condition, please consider
donating good condition items of preloved uniform to the PSFA. Please drop off washed clean items of uniform to
Our preloved uniform price list can be found here.
Help needed! Do you have an hour a week to help with our pre-loved uniform?
This could be during the day (DBS check needed) or after school, helping with sorting and hanging up donations and
dealing with enquiries (e.g. finding sizes and bagging up orders. Please contact if you can help.
We would love to have some extra helpers if anyone would like to volunteer. This would involve two or three events each year and meetings once or twice per term. We can confirm there will be cake...
We also have a vacancy for a Chairperson, if you’d like more information on this role, please email us at:
Musical Bingo
Thank you to everyone who came to Musical Bingo on Friday 18 October, it was a great success, raising £1,050 for the school,
Watch this space for the next event.