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Sixth Form Life

Welcome to the Sixth Form Life area of the website. Below we have included all the information to help you to navigate your time at Birchwood Sixth Form.   

We want you to get involved in all aspects of school life, make lifelong friends and have a positive influence on all the students in your peer group and the wider school community. As Sixth Form students, you are the leaders of our school and set the standard for younger pupils. So, seize the moment and explore your full potential to become a more confident, capable, and attractive applicant but, most importantly, an active, caring and responsible citizen on the other.  

All students who join Birchwood Sixth Form should buy into the values of inclusivity. This is the heartbeat of what it means to be a Birchwood student. We are a school where everyone is welcomed and supported every step of the way and both academically gifted students and those needing extra support thrive in a caring and supportive environment.  

The House System 

At Birchwood, each form group is assigned to one of our four Houses: Dane, Hadham, Stort or Waytemore. You can find out more information about our House System and how the Houses got their names here. By being a member of one of our Houses you will foster a sense of community spirit and a healthy dose of competition. 



The link between attendance and attainment is proven. Therefore, the highest standards of attendance and punctuality are expected from our Sixth Form students. All students are expected to attend school full time, whether they have a timetabled lesson or not, arriving at the school site by 8:30am each morning. A continued inability to meet attendance requirements will lead to a review of the student’s future at the school.    


All students will be issued with a lanyard when they begin Sixth Form. This must be worn at all times while on the school site. Students who forget their lanyard will be issued with a temporary replacement. However, repeated failure by a student to remember their lanyard will be sanctioned. Replacement lanyards are available but will be charged. 


One of the freedoms enjoyed by our Sixth Form students is not being required to wear school uniform. At Birchwood, we have a Sixth Form dress code, rather than a uniform. It is expected that Sixth Formers wear professional business wear. The dress code requirements are made clear to students before entry to the Sixth Form and failure to meet them will result in sanctions.  

Getting Involved

Our Sixth Form students play an active and fundamental part in the school's running.

They chair the Student Council and are strongly involved in the vibrant array of clubs and associations. These range from sports and interest clubs to working groups that look at student voice and representation.   

Sixth Formers also support lower school students, organise trips and social events, raise funds for charity, and manage their own Common Room.  

In addition, there is a timetabled lesson of ‘Enrichment’ each week when students participate in a selection of indoor and outdoor activities.   


Service to the wider school is one of Birchwood’s Sixth Form’s great strengths. There are a variety of leadership roles and responsibilities that students are encouraged to take on. These include: the Sixth Form Leadership Team, Senior Prefects, House Captains, Mentor Prefects, Environment & Wellbeing Prefects. The hard work of all our students in leadership roles has a huge impact on making the school such a vibrant, inclusive and successful community.    

More information on Sixth Form Leadership can be found here


Sixth Form students have the opportunity to attend several trips throughout Years 12 and 13. These vary from subject-specific trips such as theatre visits for Drama students to career-focused visits as part of our Careers Programme. 

We also run an annual ski trip. More information can be found here

“I think our Sixth Form enables everyone to go on to do what they want to do with good academic qualifications and a better sense of themselves as a well- rounded person.”  

A current Sixth Form student